Sunday 17 December 2017

Book Launch: Agatha Christie Book Club 3 JUST OUT!

In their most complex puzzle yet, the Agatha Christie Book Club unite to watch Evil Under The Sun at a moonlit cinema and end up face-to-face with evil under a star-lit sky.
It's the unlikeliest of crimes—a woman strangled in a public park, with scores of witnesses and not a single suspect in sight. 
How did no one hear her scream? And how could the club have been lounging just metres away and missed the whole event?!
The third in the best-selling Agatha Christie Book Club series is now available online. Get your copy here!
"What a delightful ride this was! I slid past the clever clues and fell right on top the red herrings. I did not figure it out at all. C.A. Larmer has such a skilled way of developing characters, even the minor characters, and sure can write a whodunit." - D.A. Sarac
To find out more about the author, the series, or to catch up on earlier stories, check out my website
Happy reading, everyone!
xo Christina

Sunday 10 December 2017

Guess Which Agatha Christie Novel My Book Club Are Exploring Next? (Sneak Peek)

Ever since my Agatha Christie devotees formed their own book club, I have had such fun selecting which of Dame Agatha's novels to focus on next. And you can imagine my dilemma...

Outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare, Ms Christie wrote 66 detective novels, numerous short story collections, romances and plays. But there's always been one book that really surprised me.
Evil Under The Sun is one of Christie's best and, I'd go so far as to claim, one of THE greatest murder mysteries of all time with an extraordinary twist that left my brain spinning. Somehow she had created the perfect murder where everything is turned on its head.

This is my very humble homage.

Evil Under The Stars is the third in my Agatha Christie Book Club series, and it's a classic whodunnit with a super-modern twist.
In my story, instead of Hercule Poirot encountering a dead body lying in the sun on a secluded cove in Devon, my book club friends come across a young woman who's been murdered while lying on a blanket at a moonlit cinema in Sydney. It's a very public event, one they all attended, and yet no one spotted a thing!
My biggest mystery yet, it's due out at Christmas.
Stay tuned for more details, folks, and, if you need to catch up on the story, get your e-copy of the second in the series, Murder On The Orient (SS), at any good e-book retailer now:

And while you're at it, let me know what you think of my new-look cover for the second book (above). I've gone bright and enchanting—just in time for the Aussie summer—and would love to hear your views!
Until then, happy reading everyone.
xo Christina